A time to learn and interact
And grow in our faith
Once a month, each grade level sets aside one hour to hear Bible stories and see how these ancient stories can impact our lives each day at home and at school.

A time for celebration
And sharing what we have learned
Three celebrations at the village church are planned each year: Fall, Christmas, and at the end of the school year. During this time, the students share what they have learned through skits, prayers, and songs that they have practiced in both French and English. These celebrations provide exposure to the Christian community and allow each one to grow in their faith.
A time to care for others
And give to those in need
We are called to care for those around us. At École Notre Dame we plan activities where the children learn how to help others. One activity is with the association ELA that helps those with the genetic disease Leukodystrophy. Each year we organize a run, a spelling test and interact with the students about this degenerative disease. Another activity is called the “rice bowl.” Around Easter, during one lunch meal the children who wish, have rice for lunch and share the money that would have been spent on their food with a humanitarian organization.
Des liens avec la paroisse
pour intégrer une communauté
Aux moments des célébrations, les élèves vont à l'Eglise de St Martin d'Uriage, la présence du prêtre donne une dimension évangélique à ces temps de partage.
En dehors des temps scolaires votre enfant peut participer au catéchisme, à la paroisse, et aussi préparer sa première communion.
Si vous souhaitez aussi faire baptiser votre enfant au sein de la paroisse saint Jean de la Croix, tous les renseignements utiles sont ici.